Packaging for me is a big deal. As a customer, I always find a nice smart packaging design is far more attractive than a big slogan, it represent the brand’s personality, it protects the product while provide more convenient way for its transport, a good package design is like a sneak peek into the quality of the product and a smart packaging can do way more good to sell the products than we expect.
In my opinion, a good packaging designer should design around the core of the brand, the experience of the customers, how to maximize the advantage of the product ( shape, usage, quality) and to improve the purchasing experience of the customer.
Here are some very impressive examples I have seen:
Lamp and Bulb minimal package design.
It's not just look cute, but it minimized the damage the lamp and bulbs as low as possible to provide these fragile products more security.
Package for fresh banana, it looks ridiculous at first but it made sense to me. This package attract people's attention immediately, that is a head start on banana selling business isn't it. and it is made of hard paper card that could really protect the banana inside.
Brilliant Package Design for Fruit Boxes
Japanese designer Naoto Fukasawa takes packaging design to a whole new level through literalist design. Most brands and packaging nowadays bombard users with texts, fonts, colors and elements to stand out from the supermarket shelf. Fukasawa takes the road less traveled and created these brilliant packaging designs.Above is the photo of Fukasawa’s brilliant design for a banana flavored juice box. He simulated the look, feel and texture of the fruit flavor contained inside. His design for a juice box is brilliant, vibrant and creative
Multi-functionail cinema snack set, solved our trouble with handling so many snacks and drinks with graceful style.
MEME BOX & TONY MOLY The egg soap
This is my favorite, I can't even fully explain how much I loved this.
The soap product itself contains egg whites so the package design is a brave out-break: It is just a egg case like those we saw in the supermarket.
This design not only explained this products' specialty without a word and also it attracts attention like boom! how can anybody not loving this. What's more, the egg case's structure would definitely provide enough support and protect to the soap because it was designed to protect more fragile product.
In the other hand, during the use of soap we always have to buy a soap holder when we opened the package and use the product, because normal soap packaging won't provide proper holder along with the products. However, for this packaging, you can directly use the egg case both as a products package and also a soap holder after you opened it.
This package design is the best I have seen in soap business and it looks really attractive to me ( bought it all the way from Korea because I wanted it so bad).This is just what a successful package design should be.
Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed my report :)